Looks just like a 644K,
works like something else.
1. Use your loader for a variety
of work? Multiple engine rpm
operating settings enable an
operator to customize machine
operation and response — helping
deliver maximum productivity and
efƟciency, regardless of the task.
2. Engine runs at a constant rpm,
providing full hydraulic Ơow
all the time, regardless of travel
speed. So boom and bucket
functions are always powerful,
responsive, and quick.
3. Strong pushing power and quick
ramp-climbing ability make the
644K Hybrid an excellent choice
for maintaining stockpiles and
heaping hoppers in cement plants
and other production facilities.
You’ve probably already heard or read the claims about other hybrid-electric earthmoving
machines. But our 644K Hybrid goes beyond burning less fuel and reducing emissions.
Designed and reƟned with extensive customer input, it’s more like a hybrid of man and
machine — delivering everyday operating advantages such as smooth propulsion,
consistently quick and responsive hydraulics, fast ramp-climbing ability, and strong
pushing power. Plus, it’s nearly twice as quiet as its conventional counterpart, registering
fatigue-beating in-cab and bystander noise ratings. Simply put, the highly efƟcient 644K
Hybrid will make your operator, and your operation, even more productive.