Getting to the heart of a Deere is easy.
There’s no need to raise the boom — just
pivot the cab and remove the fl oor. Takes
only minutes.
To help conserve fuel and prolong engine
life, standard auto-idle reduces engine
speed after the operator has vacated
the seat. Full auto-idle (available with EH
controls) slows the engine after fi ve seconds
of inactivity, and resumes preset engine
speed with any movement of the joysticks.
Fluid-fi ll locations and checkpoints are
grouped and color-coded. And a conven-
iently displayed maintenance chart helps
ensure that nothing gets overlooked.
V-plenum design resists debris buildup
and makes radiator and cooler cores easier
to clean.
Unlike some CTLs that require complicated
daily adjustments with special tools, track
tension is checked weekly. If adjustment
is necessary, all that’s needed is a wrench
and grease gun.
Compare the cost of parts and labor for
recommended maintenance with other
makes. The D-Series will save you signifi -
cant money. Add the long-term expense
for undercarriage replacement, and the
savings can be substantial.
Vertis QCA
1300 19th Street, Suite 200
East Moline, IL 61244
Yell ow Black