Easy to operate
Easy to operate
Easy to operate
Electronic control unit lets
service technicians easily
retrieve vital operating
information and helps
diagnose problems more
Choose the four-speed trans-
mission that’s right for you —
a synchroshift with hydraulic
reverser is standard; powershift
is available. Either way, you get
smooth, no-clutch fingertip
direction changes for fast
work cycles.
FNR neutral safety switch
and automatic park brake
help prevent accidental
machine movement.
Doesn’t allow park-brake
drive through, either.
Low-profile sloped hood,
compact forward console,
loader arms that angle
outward, and two-post ROPS
allow unobstructed visibility.
Suspension seat swivels
15 degrees to the right for
extra visibility of rear tools.
Mechanical front-wheel drive and
a differential lock that engages
on-the-go give extra traction in
poor underfoot conditions or for
moving heavy loads. Limited-slip
MFWD is optional.
Transmission disconnect,
automatic return-to-dig,
bucket self-leveling, and
float make an operator more
efficient and help speed
repetitive loading cycles.
Three-point hitch controls
are conveniently positioned,
and hydraulic response is
consistent and quick.