Note: The metal grille is designed so
that it can be covered with grille cloth if
desired. Simply, remove the metal grille
from the grille frame as shown in Figure E.
Then use spray adhesive to glue and wrap
the grille cloth to the metal grille. Push the
metal grille with cloth back in the grille
frame. For even better interior matching it
is also possible to use plastic compatible
paint to match the grille frame to the
vehicle’s interior.
Logo Orientation on Grille
The orientation of the logo on the
metal grille relative to the grille frame can
be adjusted. Simply remove the metal
grille and reassemble the metal grille to
the grille frame utilizing a different tab slot.
Mounting the
408 and 508GTi Tweeter
The 408 and 508GTi Tweeter includes
accessories for four different mounting
configurations. Take a look at all the
possibilities described in the following
paragraphs, pick one, follow the steps and
you’ll soon be done!
Tweeter Surface Mounting
a) Using the Mounting Plate Template at
the back of this manual. Pick a mounting
location for the tweeter making sure that
speaker wire can be run to this location.
Flat surfaces work best. Drill the holes as
shown on the template in the desired
mounting location. Use three
mounting screws to secure the mounting
plate in place as shown in Figure F.
b) Run wire from the 408 and 508GTi
Crossover to the wire feed-through hole
and connect the wire to the tweeter
making sure to connect + to + and – to –
by either soldering (preferred) or using
crimp-on connectors.
c) Push the tweeter down onto the
mounting plate making sure to line up the
bayonet tabs with the slots in the tweeter
d) Twist the tweeter clockwise about
⁄4" to
lock it into position.
Figure F
Figure E
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