Voice Activation
Voice Activation
(Where fitted)
Voice activation enables you to activate
the main functions of the telephone
system by speaking to it. This avoids the
need to operate controls manually,
allowing you to concentrate fully on
driving the vehicle.
In addition, the vehicle’s telephone
system allows up to 25 phone numbers to
be stored, which can be recalled with
voice commands. Each phone number
must be allocated a voice tag; a single
spoken command which can be used to
recall the phone number.
Note: The system does not use your
mobile phone’s address book. Voice tags
are stored separately in the vehicle’s
telephone system.
The voice activation system prompts you
with announcements and questions, to
guide you to the required function. For
more information, refer to the audio
systems and JaguarVoice handbook, or
the touch-screen display handbook.
The voice activation system must not
be used to call emergency numbers, as
voice patterns can change under
stress, resulting in commands
becoming unrecognisable.
Improving voice recognition
The voice activation system uses a
microphone mounted in the vehicle’s roof
lining. The microphone filters out ambient
noise, however these additional points
will help to ensure that the commands are
properly understood:
Speak continuously and at a normal
volume. Avoid pauses between words
and unusual emphasis.
Do not speak while the system is
making an announcement. The
system displays LISTENING and
beeps while it is waiting for a voice
Noise interference from outside the
vehicle may affect the system. It is
advisable to keep the doors, windows
and sunroof closed.
If a command is not understood, the
system responds with Sorry,
Command Not Recognised or No
Speech Detected. Please give the
command again.
Avoid background noise in the
vehicle, and ask passengers not to
talk while you are speaking to the
The microphone is positioned to pick
up the driver’s voice. Passengers may
not be understood as accurately, and
are advised instead to speak directly
into the mobile phone.