Appendix A: Jabra A335w Settings in the Control Center
Control Center Buttons for Jabra A335w
Jabra PC Suite User’s Guide 30
A. Jabra A335w Settings in the Control Center
The Jabra Control Center enables you to configure any of several Jabra products.
Most of them provide just a few, very simple settings. However, the Jabra A335w
Bluetooth Dongle is significantly more complex. This appendix explains how to
use all of the settings provided by the Jabra A335w.
See “The Jabra Control Center” on page 19 for a general discussion about how to
run and use the Jabra Control Center. Read this appendix for specific details
about the Control Center settings provided for the Jabra A335w.
Control Center Buttons for Jabra A335w
When you have selected a Jabra A335w dongle in the Control Center, the settings
area includes several tabs, which are detailed in the subsequent sections. In
addition to these tabs, several standard buttons are provided at the bottom of the
window; these are described here.
Figure 10: The Jabra Control Center window as it appears when a JabraA335w Bluetooth dongle
is connected.
The following buttons are provided together with each tab of A335w settings:
• Sound Control Panel: Opens the standard Windows Sounds and Audio Devices
control panel, which enables you to control which sound devices (including
Jabra) will be used by Windows itself and other Windows programs. See also
“Using Jabra Devices with Any Windows Program” on page 28 for more
information about this control panel.
• Refresh: Updates the information shown in the Jabra Control Center window.
Click here if you have changed something (such as connected a new headset)
while the window was open.
• OK: Applies any changes you made to settings in the window and closes the
Control Center.