Kit Part Number 1080179
Kit includes the following:
Suspension Arm/Anti-Tip Assembly (Pair)1080177-NLA
Gearbox, Right, Heavy Duty1070439-NLA
Gearbox, Left, Heavy Duty1070440-NLA
Shock Assembly, Heavy Duty1039660
Instruction Sheet1080178
NOTE: This kit applies to chairs with the following rear wheels and hub mountings:
14 x 3 and 14 x 4 (free wheeling hub mounts)
14 x 4 (non-free wheeling hub mounts).
NOTE: Overall chair width will increase by 3/8".
NOTE: Chairs with 6" or 8" casters will require a (Standard) 9" fork and caster assembly.
Kit Part Number 1080180
Kit includes the following:
Non-Free Wheeling Hub Assembly1070417-NLA
Suspension Arm/Anti-Tip Assembly (Pair)1080177-NLA
Gearbox, Right, Heavy Duty1070439-NLA
Gearbox, Left, Heavy Duty1070440-NLA
Shock Assembly, Heavy Duty1039660
Instruction Sheet1080178
NOTE: This kit applies to chairs with (14 x 3 non-free wheeling hub mounts).
NOTE: Overall chair width will not change.
NOTE: Chairs with 6" or 8" casters will require a (Standard) 9" fork and caster assembly.
Heavy Duty Conversion Kit
NOTE: Retrofit kit can only be used when converting a Storm Arrow (Standard) to a Storm Arrow (Heavy
Duty) using 2nd generation suspension arms and anti-tippers.
To order call toll free 1-800-333-6900, or www.invacare.com
Form No.