Top End
Tennis Elite Chair
All prices subject to change w/o notice. All prices in U.S. Dollars. All orders F.O.B. Pinellas Park, Florida, USA
For the most current pricing information go to Page 2 of 3
TER95 Clamp-On Fixed aluminum side guards......... 125.00
TER20 Fixed aluminum side guards........................... 175.00
□ Even w/wheels □ 1" Above wheels □ Height above seat_______
TER83 Fixed carbon fiber side guards.............................. 250.00
11, 12
□ Even w/wheels □ 1" Above wheels □ Height above seat_______
TER130 Welded aluminum tube side guards w/ welded aluminum panel
11, 13
□ Even w/wheels □ 1" Above wheels □ Height above seat_______
................ $500.00
TERTi10 Welded titanium tube side guards w/ welded titanium panel
11, 13
□ Even w/wheels □ 1" Above wheels □ Height above seat_______
.............. $1000.00
TER14 Cushion, soft □ 2" □ 3".................................. 75.00
TER33 Cushion, hard □ 2" □ 3" □ 4"....................... 125.00
TER37 Frame protectors – front................................... 40.00
TER35 Frame protector – rear...................................... 20.00
XLT33 Alignment gauge .............................................. 75.00
TER126 Click strap large (pad length ~12”) .................. 86.00
TER125 Click strap medium (pad length ~10”) ............. 80.00
TER124 Click strap small (pad length ~8”).................... 75.00
TER128 D-Ring positioning belt.................................. 100.00
RACE22 Top End T-Shirt, □ L □ XL..................................10.00
UPHOLSTERY Black std UPHI Camouflage $100.00
FRAME FINISH: Bead Blast Finish for Titanium
Wet Black Black Prism White Snow
Silver Metallic Silver Vein Copper Penny
Electric Blue Midnight Blue Cosmic Blue
Electric Teal Emerald Green Grasshopper Green
Tangerine Red Electric Red Grape Madness
Safety Yellow Sunkissed Orange Fruit Fusion
“The most experienced athletes I know are still considering changes for
their next sports product. Changes are exciting, and in some cases enhance
the performance of the athlete. Too many changes at once, however, make
it difficult for athletes to determine what helped and what did not. Athletes
should be conservative in the number of changes made when ordering a
new product, and patient when experiencing what they have ordered. I have
made changes that I initially disliked, which eventually became the best
things for me.”
-Paul Schulte, Top End Design Engineer
This section consists of Footnotes (exclusions) and advice on filling out
this order form. The section is intended for cases where users have either
an existing sports wheelchair or are ordering a sports wheelchair for the first
time. In either case, users and distributors will find all the information
below helpful. It is recommended that the individual filling out the order
form has read through this section prior to taking the measurements.
Symbols are as follows:
1. Seat Width:
Footnote #1: When Tapered Seat Width is chosen, 4" is the maximum
difference between Rear and Front Seat Widths. Footrest width will be 2"
less than the specified Front Seat Width.
(A) Measure existing Seat Width (shown in front view page 1).
Determine if you desire more or less. Use a tape measure to estimate the
amount of change desired. ½" sizes are acceptable. The Tapered Seat
Width option divides the seat into a Rear Seat Width and a Front Seat
Width. A small amount of taper would be 1 to 2 inches, more common for
single leg amputees. A larger amount of taper would be 3 to 4 inches and
would be common for legs with significant atrophy. (See footnote #1)
(B) The only major mistake one can make with Seat Width is to order it
too narrow. 15" and 16" are the two most common Seat Widths. If no chair
is available, measure the distance by pressing two books to the outsides of
one’s hips and measuring the distance between them. (See footnote #1)
2. Footrest Width:
Footnote #2: Does not apply to Recessed Footrest.
(A) Measure existing Footrest Width (shown in front view page 1).
Determine if you desire more or less room. Use a tape measure to estimate
the amount of change desired. ½" sizes are acceptable. Recessed Footrest
widths are dependant on Caster Center to Center and are normally
conservative. Tubular style footrest widths are typically equal to Seat
Width – 6". (See footnote #2).
(B) Place your sports shoes side by side and measure them at the widest
point. Add 2" to that measurement for a typical footrest width
measurement. For this measurement, the only major mistake one can make
is specifying a Footrest Width that is too narrow. (See footnote #2).
3. Footrest Height: (Top) to Floor:
Footnote #3: 1" – 5" Std. For additional height select TER86 Adj.
Angle footplate with riser option.
(A) Measure existing Footrest Height (shown in side view page 1). All
footrests shown are adjustable in height. This measurement assists Top End
in recognizing user needs. If possible, Top End will ship the product
already adjusted to the requested height. ½" sizes are acceptable. (See
footnote #3).
(B) All footrests shown are adjustable in height. If possible, use the
person’s everyday footrest height measurement as a reference. This
measurement assists Top End in recognizing user needs. If possible, Top
End will ship the product already adjusted to the requested height. 3" is
conservative. (See footnote #3).