System Features
CS-5200/5400 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, ISSUE 1.1 – August 2005
Page 246 Multicative Factor Adjustment
factors for evening and weekend rate changes on outgoing calls. The equation for calculating
call cost is:
Daytime Rate X Multiplicative Factor X Connect Time
Multicative Factor Adjustment
The multiplicative factor adjusts the daytime per-minute call cost for evening and weekend
rates of outgoing calls. For example, the evening call cost multiplier is 0.65 if calls are 35%
less expensive after 5:00 PM. The daytime rate (D), evening (E) multiplicative factor, and
night/weekend (N/W) multiplicative factors are used on the following schedule.
If call cost is set to zero, call cost will not display during the call and the SMDR printout will
show $00.00.
In a network setting, the call cost shown on the display and SMDR output use the factors and
rates for the node on which the trunk resides. In other words, if a station on Node 1 dials what
is considered a long-distance number on Node 1, but the call is routed to Node 2 where the
number is considered local, the Inter-Tel endpoint will use the local call cost rate from Node 2.
The call rate used for calls between nodes will be based on the Network call rate.
All outgoing calls using a trunk that is not subject to toll restriction are classified as one of the
following call types for call cost calculation (call cost type is programmed in the database).
• Free
• Local
• Toll Local
• Toll Long Distance
• Incoming
• Operator
• Network
• International
Station Message Detail Recording
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) is a system feature that provides a detailed record
of outgoing and incoming calls. The system records only valid calls. Outgoing calls become
valid when, depending on system programming, the Valid Call timer expires or polarity rever-
sal is detected. Outgoing calls become valid immediately if placed on hold or transferred.
Incoming calls are always valid immediately.
Endpoint call data can be recorded on a customer-provided printer or an alternate device, such
as a magnetic tape or floppy disk. The voice processing system PC can also be used to capture
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) information. The SMDR information is stored in a
file on the voice processing system PC hard disk for later retrieval.
Selectable SMDR options include any combination of the following. (See page 245 for an defi-
nition of call cost types.)
• Record All Incoming Calls: Records all incoming calls that are answered, except DID/
DNIS calls.
• Record All Local Calls: Records all calls that use the “local” call cost.
Table 36.
Multiplicative Factor Cost Adjustments
11 PM TO 8 AM N/W N/W N/W N/W N/W N/W N/W