Model 8690 User Guide (ITP Mode)
System Registry
The information stored in the Windows CE .NET registry is not accessible. The regis-
try contains a number of settings and preferences that are saved in two separate loca-
tions for backup purposes.
To safeguard registry settings, it is recommended that you save the registry after you
make changes to operating system preferences using the Control Panel, and to UC
preferences using the system tray menu. If the endpoint loses power during a registry
update, the registry will be destroyed. However, the last saved version of the registry
can be recovered upon reboot.
Saving the registry takes approximately 60 seconds to complete. To avoid locking up
the endpoint, do not make additional changes to your preferences until the “Registry
Saved Successfully” dialog box is displayed.
NOTE: Normally, the endpoint should remain powered on at all times. If your system or
network administrator tells you to power off your endpoint, it is recommended that you
save the registry first.
To save registry settings:
1. Press Start - Programs - Save Registry.
2. Press Yes to save registry settings.
When the “Registry Saved Successfully” message appears, press
Operating System Help
A help file is provided with the Windows CE .NET operating system and can be
accessed under the Start menu. The information in this file is provided by Microsoft
and is limited to Windows CE .NET and the viewer applications that come with the
operating system. Because the operating system has been customized, some of the
information provided in this file may not apply to your endpoint. See page 41 for
more information about accessing the help files created specifically for the telephone
and UC.