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E-MAIL ADDRESS: This field specifies the AXXES-
SORY Talk’s E-mail address. It is only required if the
E-mail System field is programmed to SMTP/POP3.
When the voice mail PC sends an Internet mail mes-
sage, this address will be used as the E-mail address in
the “Reply-To” field of the E-mail header. This is the
address at which the voice mail PC will receive Internet
mail messages. This field can contain up to 127 charac-
ters and it is empty by default. For example, whenusing
Internet mail, this field might look like johndoe@inter-
E-MAIL REAL NAME: This field specifies the AX-
XESSORY Talk’s user name (such as VOICE MAIL).
It is only programmable if the E-mail System field is
programmed to SMTP/POP3 and it is optional. When
the voice mail PC sends an Internet mail message, this
name will be included in the FROM field of the E-mail
header. This field can contain up to 127 characters, and
it is empty by default.
E-MAIL USERNAME: This field specifies the user-
name for the voice mail PC’s E-mail account. Before
the voice mail PC can send or receive E-mail messages,
it must log on to the underlying E-mail system. There-
fore, the voice mail PC must have an account on the
customer’s E-mail system, and this field specifies the
username for that account. This field can contain up to
127 characters and it is empty by default.
E-MAIL SMTP SERVER: This field specifies the
AXXESSORY Talk’s SMTP mail server. It is only pro-
grammable if the E-mail System field is programmed
to SMTP/POP3. The SMTP mail server is the server
that the voice mail PC connects to in order to send
E-mail messages over the Internet. This field can con-
tain up to 127 characters and it is empty by default.
E-MAIL POP SERVER: This field specifies the POP
mail server that will be used to receive E-mail mes-
sages. It is only programmable if the E-mail System
field is programmed to SMTP/POP3. The POP mail
server is the server the voice mail PC connects to in
order to send E-mail messages through the Internet.
This field can contain up to 127 characters and it is
empty by default.
specifies the E-mail address of the System Administra-
tor. Whenever an E-mail message is undeliverable (due
to invalid or wrong E-mail address, etc.) it will be for-
warded to this address. Or, if a user attempts to reply to
a VisualMail E-mail message, the message will go to
this address instead of going to the AXXESSORY Talk
PC. This field can contain up to 127 characters and it is
empty by default. NOTE: Even though this field is not
required, Inter-Tel strongly recommends that you pro-
vide an E-mail address to forward any E-mail received
by the AXXESSORY Talk PC. It will alert the Admin-
istrator to any problem with the E-mail addresses.
PASSWORD: This system-wide field specifies the
password for the voice mail PC’s E-mail account. Be-
fore the voice mail PC can send or receive E-mail mes-
sages, it must log on to the underlying E-mail system.
Therefore, the voice mail PC must have an account on
the customer’s E-mail system, and this field specifies
the password for that account. This field can contain up
to 40 characters and it is empty by default.