
IXP42X product line and IXC1100 control plane processors—Internal Bus Performance
Monitoring Unit (IBPMU)
IXP42X Product Line of Network Processors and IXC1100 Control Plane Processor
DM September 2006
378 Order Number: 252480-006US
11.3 Register Descriptions
11.3.1 Event Select Register
The Event Select Register (ESR) controls the specific mode of operation of performance
monitoring. There are four general modes supported:
Each PEC counter also has three control bits. The most-significant bit indicates whether
a duration or occurrence event is to be monitored. The remaining two bits select from
four possible inputs for this configuration.
To change the monitored mode, it is necessary to write the entire ESR. The
Programmable Event Counters are reset and started when a new value is written to the
ESR and the mode is not HALT. Performance monitoring is disabled in HALT (the
default) mode. HALT mode stops all counters and the PMSR from updating. Thus
providing a stable result for reading by the processor.
Table 143. Internal Bus PMU Register Overview
Address R/W Name Description
0xC8002000 R/W ESR Event Select Register
0xC8002004 R/COW PSR PMU Status Register
0xC8002008 R PEC1 Programmable Event Counter 1
0xC800200C R PEC2 Programmable Event Counter 2
0xC8002010 R PEC3 Programmable Event Counter 3
0xC8002014 R PEC4 Programmable Event Counter 4
0xC8002018 R PEC5 Programmable Event Counter 5
0xC800201C R PEC6 Programmable Event Counter 6
0xC8002020 R PEC7 Programmable Event Counter 7
0xC8002024 R PMSR Previous Master/Slave Register
Halt South
•North •SDRAM
Register Name: ESR
Hex Offset Address: 0xC800 2000 Reset Hex Value: 0x00000000
Event Select Register
Access: Read/Write.
31 23 22 20 19 17 16 14 13 11 10 8 7 4 3 1 0
(Reserved) PEC1 ctrl PEC2 ctrl PEC3 ctrl PEC4 ctrl PEC5 ctrl PEC6 ctrl PEC7 ctrl