SwitchLinc V2 Dimmer 1000W User’s Guide
Understanding Why an INSTEON Network Is Reliable
INSTEON messages travel throughout the home via Powerline Carrier (PLC) signals on the existing
house wiring, and also via wireless Radio Frequency (RF). As the messages make their way to
INSTEON devices being controlled, they are picked up and retransmitted by all other INSTEON devices
along the way. This method of communicating, called a mesh network, is very reliable because each
additional INSTEON device helps to support the overall network.
To further ensure reliability, every INSTEON device confirms that it has received a command. If an
INSTEON Controller does not receive this confirmation, it will automatically retransmit the command up to
five times.
Further Enhancing Reliability
As signals travel via the powerline or RF throughout the home, they naturally become
weaker the farther they travel. The best way to overcome signals getting weaker is to
increase the coverage of the mesh network by introducing more INSTEON devices.
It is possible that some audio-video products, computers, power strips or other electrical
equipment may attenuate INSTEON signals on the powerline. You can temporarily
unplug suspected devices to test whether the INSTEON signal improves. If it does, then
you can plug in filters available from Smarthome that will permanently fix the problem.
Using Smarthome’s SignaLinc RF to Upgrade Your INSTEON Network
SignaLinc™ RF Signal Enhancers are ideal for improving signal strength
and network coverage throughout your home. In addition, two SignaLinc
RFs provide a wireless path for INSTEON signals to travel between the
two separate electrical circuits, called powerline phases, found in most
homes. Without a reliable method for coupling opposite powerline
phases, some parts of your home may receive INSTEON signals
intermittently. With at least one SignaLinc RF plugged into one of the
powerline phases, and at least one more plugged into the opposite
powerline phase, INSTEON powerline signals will be strong everywhere
in your home.
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