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Using In-LineLinc Relay
Using the ON and OFF Buttons
The small button switches allows you to test the load and adjust its settings prior to final installation.
- Tap ON button to turn load full-on
- Tap OFF button to turn load full-off
An Important Note About INSTEON Networks
Split Single-Phase vs. 3-Phase Installation
For the best INSTEON network performance, be sure you have properly installed at least two Access
Points (#2443) or other dual-band INSTEON products
. INSTEON has only been officially tested in a split
single-phase residential environment, but has been known to work in many 3-phase systems with three
dual-band products installed (one on each phase). However, due to the potential complexity of its
troubleshooting, the INSTEON Support Line is unable to support INSTEON in 3-phase environments.
Using In-LineLinc Relay’s Sense Wire
Once connected, In-LineLinc’s Sense wire will automatically turn on the load to which it is wired—as well
as any other devices linked to In-LineLinc—when it detects 120 Volts. When In-LineLinc no longer detects
120V, it will turn the load and any linked devices off.
INSTEON commands will always override the Sense wire, regardless of the Sense state. So, you can use
a controller or In-LineLinc itself to turn the load on and off at any time.
The Sense wire is enabled by default, but it can easily be disabled and re-enabled with In-LineLinc’s Set
button or temporarily disabled with an INSTEON controller.
Disabling the Sense Wire
1) Press and hold In-LineLinc’s Set button until it beeps.
In-LineLinc’s status LED will start blinking.
2) Double-tap the Set button.
In-LineLinc will beep and its status LED will stop blinking.
Status LED will turn on (if load is off) or off (if load is on).
Re-enabling the Sense Wire
1) Press and hold In-LineLinc’s Set button until it beeps.
In-LineLinc’s status LED will start blinking.
2) Triple-tap the Set button.
In-LineLinc will beep and its status LED will stop blinking.
Status LED will turn on (if load is off) or off (if load is on).
3) Test the Sense wire by activating the load from the connected sensor (such as turning it on from the
local lamp switch, walking by the motion detector and so on).
The load connected to In-LineLinc will respond appropriately.