Only allow Ingersoll Rand trained technicians to perform maintenance on these products. For additional information contact Ingersoll Rand or nearest
The use of other than genuine Ingersoll Rand replacement parts may result in safety hazards, decreased performance, increased maintenance and will invalidate all warranties.
The original language of this manual is English.
Manuals can be downloaded from www.ingersollrandproducts.com
Refer all communications to the nearest Ingersoll Rand Office or Distributor.
• Failure to follow these warnings may result in death or severe injury.
Additional information available on page 5.
Do not operate before reading manual(s) supplied with this product
Read all documentation supplied with the product.
Contact factory if in doubt about installation, operation, inspection and
maintenance instructions.
Do not discard manuals. Keep manuals readily available for all personnel.
Always install, operate, inspect and maintain this product in accordance with
all applicable standards and regulations (local, state, country, federal, etc.)
Winch Installation
Ensure winch is correctly installed
Never weld on any part of the winch.
All supporting structure, mounting hardware and load attaching hardware
must be in accordance with all applicable standards, codes and regulations.
When moving the winch ensure that proper rigging is used and do not lift
winch over personnel.
Ensure proper selection and installation of wire rope and sheaves. Sheaves
and sheave mounting must be designed and selected in accordance with all
applicable standards, codes and regulations. Improper installation of wire
rope or sheave can cause uneven spooling and wire rope damage that could
cause a load to drop.
Ensure wire rope is correctly rated for the application.
- Power supplied to the winch must meet Ingersoll Rand specifications for
the winch. All connections must be tight and installation made with hoses,
cables and fittings that are new or in good condition and rated for the power
supplied. Use in a well ventilated area.
Use a muffler to reduce noise level to acceptable limits. Pipe away the exhaust
where possible to prevent oil mist creating a slippery environment.
Installation personnel should be trained and knowledgeable in winch
Do not remove or obscure any warning label or tag
Ensure warning label(s) or tag(s) are visible to the personnel in the area.
If warning label(s) or tag(s) are damaged, illegible or become lost, contact
your nearest distributor or the factory for free replacement.
Use only approved rigging methods
Do not make unauthorized modifications.
Alterations are not permitted to the winch without factory approval.
Use guards to avoid possible hazards
Install guards to prevent personnel from contacting any moving parts.
Ensure an accessible shut off valve has been installed in the air supply line
and make others aware of its location
Always install an emergency shut off switch or valve and instruct all personnel
in its location and purpose.
Before Operating Winch
Inspect winch, wire rope and rigging prior to every shift
These inspections are to identify equipment problems that must be repaired
prior to winch use.
Perform all steps in “Frequent Inspection” procedure described in Product
Information Manual supplied with the winch.
Additionally perform “Periodic Inspection” procedure described in Product
Maintenance Manual at recommended frequency based on use conditions.
Ensure all winch components and attachments are functioning and properly
Run winch slowly in each direction with no load and check operation of each
attachment or option prior to application use.
Ensure winch anchors and supporting structure are secure and in good
- Fasteners - Check retainer rings, split pins, capscrews, nuts and other
fasteners on winch, including mounting bolts. Replace if missing or damaged
and tighten if loose.
- Foundation or supporting structure - Check for distortion, wear, rigidity and
continued ability to support winch and rated load. Ensure winch is firmly
mounted and that fasteners are in good condition and tight.
Ensure winch supply cables and hoses are in good condition and connections
are tight
Failure of electric cables or their disconnection while power is supplied can
result in electrocution.
Failure of air or hydraulic hoses or their disconnection while pressurized can
result in hazardous situations including the whipping of hoses.
Keep clear of whipping hoses. Shut off the compressed air or hydraulic
pressure before approaching the whipping hose.
Do not operate if malfunctioning or damage is found
Notify supervisory or maintenance personnel of any malfunction or damage.
Trained and authorized personnel must determine if repairs are required prior
to operating winch.
Winch should never be operated with damaged wire rope, controls or guards.
Use caution when operating in extremely cold temperatures
Extremely cold temperatures can affect performance of some materials.
Operate winch with no load to lubricate parts and warm winch prior to
applying a load.
Ensure lubricants or hydraulic oil is suitable for operating temperatures.
Optional low temperature winches are available. Refer to model number on
data (name) plate and winch model code for approved operating temperature
When Operating Winch
Do not lift people or loads over people
These winches are not designed for man lifting applications. Only use man
rider rated winches for lifting people.
Be aware of the location of all other personnel in the job area.
Cordon off area and install warning signage around lift areas and along
intended load paths.
Never allow anyone to stand under a suspended load.
Keep hands, clothing, jewelry, etc. away from wire rope, drum and other
moving parts
All moving parts create entanglement, pinching and other hazards.
Use proper guards to ensure personnel are protected from moving parts.
Shut off winch and power to the winch before touching any moving part or
entering any hazardous area.
Stop winch before touching wire rope
Wire rope is an entanglement hazard. Never come in contact with a moving
wire rope. It can catch on gloves, clothing, hands and other body parts and
pull you into the winch, drum, guard, structure or other hazardous situations.
Ensure wire rope spools evenly across drum width and each wrap is tight to
drum and previous wrap
Improper spooling can cause wire rope to bunch in one area of the drum.
Bunched wire rope can build up in one area of the drum and then slide back
down the built up wire rope to a smaller drum diameter. This can cause a load
to drop.
Bunched wire rope can build up in one area exceeding the drum flange
diameter, climb over the flange and drop the load.
Ensure tension is applied to wire rope when spooling
Applying tension will help to facilitate tight spooling and level layers.
If wire rope is slack when spooled onto the drum it will create gaps between
wraps which will cause wire rope damage and erratic load movement.
Refer to “WIRE ROPE SPOOLING” section on page 7.
Be aware of load position at all times to avoid moving load into hazardous
Operators must maintain visual contact with the load, drum and wire rope at
all times.
Monitor surrounding conditions to prevent load from contacting hazardous
Use spotters or signal-person to assist with positioning a load in confined or
limited visibility areas.
Do not lift or pull load into support structure or winch
Do not two-block. (Refer to the explanation of “Two-Blocking”
on page 9).
The use of limit switches or warning devices will help to prevent load
contacting winch or structure.
Continually monitor wire rope and load movement through all phases of
Do not run wire rope over sharp edges, use approved diameter sheaves
Ensure wire rope has a direct path to the load or travels over a sheave or wire
rope guide if a direct line cannot be established.
Ensure sheave diameter is correctly sized for the wire rope in use. Refer to
Table 1 on page 10.
Running wire rope over sharp edges or undersized sheaves will cause
premature wire rope failure.
Ensure load does not exceed winch, wire rope and rigging ratings
Refer to “SPECIFICATIONS” section in winch Product Information manual for
maximum winch load rating.
Check winch data (name) plate for maximum winch load rating.
Exceeding the maximum rated winch load can cause winch or rigging failure
allowing the load to drop.
Operator must be aware of weight of load being moved.
Keep everyone clear of load path
Do not allow anyone to stand in the path of the load.
Keep personnel clear of intended load path and the area behind the winch
that is in line with the load path. Refer to Dwg. MHP2451 on page 11.
Ensure there are no obstructions along intended load path that may restrict
or affect load movement.
Keep a minimum of three wraps of wire rope on drum at all times
Wire rope anchors are not intended to retain the full load. Monitor wire rope
payout to ensure 3 wraps are always on the drum.
Less than 3 wraps may allow wire rope anchor to loosen.
Immediately stop operation if load does not respond to winch control
Check direction indicators on control match load direction.
Ensure all controls function smoothly and do not stick or bind when operated.
Keep controls dry and clean to avoid hand slippage resulting in loss of winch
Form MHD56250 Edition 5