5Part 2: DSP-402 Implementation
Trajectory Generator
The chosen operation mode and the corresponding parameters (objects) define the input of the Trajectory Generator. The
Trajectory Generator supplies the control loop(s) with the demand values. They are generally mode specific.
Each Mode may use its own Trajectory Generator. A general description of its functionality is given in Section X, which is
related to the Profile Position Mode.
Objects and the Object Dictionary
In a CANopen network, a device is controlled by writing to device parameters and reading the status of the device. This is
accomplished using a pre-defined dictionary of instructions that can be written and status information that can be read. These
pieces of information are called Objects.
The full set of objects are called the Object Dictionary. The Object Dictionary is the interface between the CANopen master,
or controller and the MDrivePlus node on a CANopen network.
Entries within the Object Dictionary are addressed using 16-bit Indexes. In the case of simple variables (VAR) the index refer-
ences the value of the variable directly. In the case of records and arrays the index addresses the entire data structure.
To allow individual elements of the data structures a sub-index is defined. The fields accessed by the sub-index may be of dif-
fering data types.
Index (hex) Object
0000 Not Used
0001 – 004F Static Data Types
0020 – 003F Complex Data Types
0040 – 005F Manufacturer Specific Data
0060 – 007F Device Profile Specific Static Data Types
0080 – 009F Device Profile Specific Complex Data Types
00A0 – 0FFF Reserved for Future Use
1000 – 1FFF Communications Profile Area
2000 – 5FFF Manufacturer Specific Profile
6000 – 9FFF Standardized Device Profile
A000 – BFFF
Standardized Interface Profile
C000 – FFFF Reserved for Future Use
Table 1.1: Object Dictionary
Object Dictionary
Output (LED, Relay)
Input (Switch, Sensor)
Analog Input
MDrivePlus Node
Additional System Nodes
Figure 1.4: MDrivePlus CANopen Object Dictionary