
Processor Unit Assignments
Model Min. PU* Max. PU SAP Standard Spares Standard
A08** 1 8 2 2
B16** 1 16 4 4
C24** 1 24 6 6
D32** 1 32 8 8
*PU can be characterized as CP, IFL, ICF, Optional SAPs, unassigned
CPs, and/or unassigned IFLs up to a max number of PUs for the model
**Customer will be required to purchase at least one CP, IFL or ICF feature
for any model.
Processor Memory
z990 Model Minimum Maximum
A08 16 GB 64 GB
B16 16 GB 128 GB
C24 16 GB 192 GB
D32 16 GB 256 GB
Max two memory cards per z990 book. Memory cards 8 GB, 16 GB or 32
Model A08 B16 C24 D32
ESCON Min 0 0 0 0
**ESCON Max 720 1024 1024 1024
FICON *Min 0 0 0 0
FICON *Max 96 120 120 120
*FICON Express and FCP confi gured on the same FICON Express features.
Max channels total 120.
**ESCON increments of 4 channels
Coupling Links
Links IC ICB-2* ICB-3** ICB-4 ISC-3 Max Links
0-32 0-8 0-16 0-16 0-48 Total External
and Internal
links = 64
*requires STI-2 card
**requires STI-3 card
Note: At least one I/O channel (FICON, ESCON) or one coupling link (ISC,
ICB) must be present.
Cryptographic Features
1, 2
Minimum 0 0
Maximum 6
1. Max two PCICA features per I/O cage
2. Max eight PCICA and PCIXCC features per system
3. Two accelerator cards per PCICA feature
4. One coprocessor per PCIXCC feature
OSA-Express Features
OSA-Express* Features
Minimum 0
Maximum 24
*Any combination of GbE LX, GbE SX, 1000BASE-T Ethernet, Token-Ring