
Using Recovery CD
To create Service Partition and install the preloaded
system from Recovery CD, do the following;
To create Service Partition [SP]:
1. Erase all partitions on the hard-disk drive using FDISK
or similar application.
2. Boot with Recovery CD (and boot diskette if required).
3. A menu will appear stating Your computer originally
included a Product Recovery program ... Reinstall
the Product Recovery Program? (Y/N) [ ].
Note: If the hard-disk drive contains any partitions, you
will not receive this menu - go to step 1.
4. Enter Y and Service Partition will be created and
loaded with Product Recovery Program files.
Note: If you do not want to create Service Partition,
press N, and then go to the Install preloaded
system from CD procedure.
5. PressENTERat next window to continue.
v Service Partition will be created. System will
automatically reboot during this process.
v Recovery process will copy some files to the Service
Partition, PKUNZIP others
v Follow prompts - you may be prompted to change
v System will reboot. When completed, continue with
Install preloaded system from CD procedure to
install preloaded system.
Install preloaded system from CD:
1. Boot with Recovery CD (and boot diskette if required)
2. If the hard-disk drive is blank, a menu will appear
stating Your computer originally included a
Product Recovery program ... Reinstall the Product
Recovery Program? (Y/N) [ ].
v To install Service Partition, go to step 4 of To create
Service Partition [SP] procedure.
v To preload hard-disk drive without installing Service
Partition, press N.
3. If a menu appears asking which operating system to
install, highlight proper operating system and press
4. A menu will appear stating Full Recovery:.Press
ENTER to select.
5. Enter Y at the three windows which follow.
6. Follow prompts to complete the Recovery Process.
Chapter 2. General descriptions