
application programming interface (API)
Create User Space (QUSCRTUS)
OPM COBOL example B-61, B-101
OPM RPG example 5-4, B-71
debugger APIs
use of 8-3
definition 1-1
Deregister Exit Point (QusDeregisterExitPoint)
ILE C example 4-19
ILE COBOL example B-87
ILE RPG example B-92
Deregister Exit Point (QUSDRGPT)
OPM COBOL example B-85
OPM RPG example B-90
authorities and locks 3-2
error messages 3-5
field descriptions 3-5
format 3-5
optional parameter group 3-5
parameters 3-2
required parameter group 3-3
Dynamic Screen Manager (DSM) APIs
use of 8-4
edit function APIs
use of 8-5
error handling 2-30
error messages 3-5
examples B-1
extracting field from format 3-5
field descriptions 3-5
file APIs
use of 8-5
format 3-5
getting started 2-1
hardware resource APIs
use of 8-6
hierarchical file system (HFS) APIs
use of 8-6
high-level language (HLL) APIs
use of 8-6
ILE APIs for the CEE environment 2-5
integrated file system 2-6
examples B-175
Integrated Language Environment (ILE)
error code 4-1
example 4-1
introduction 2-5, 4-1
registration facility using 4-2
Integrated Language Environment (ILE) CEE APIs
naming conventions 8-7
use of 8-7
introduction 2-1
list API example
List Objects That Adopt Owner Authority
QSYLOBJP (List Objects That Adopt Owner
Authority) 5-12
application programming interface (API)
List Objects That Adopt Owner Authority
ILE C example B-94
ILE COBOL example B-101
ILE RPG example B-106
OPM COBOL example B-101
OPM RPG example 5-4
locating field in receiver variable 3-5
locating for use 2-1
Log Software Error (QPDLOGER)
ILE C example 6-2
ILE RPG example B-119
OPM COBOL example B-112
OPM RPG example B-116
message handling APIs
use of 8-8
miscellaneous APIs
use of 8-29
locating 3-1
national language support (NLS) APIs
use of 8-9
network management APIs
use of 8-9
network security APIs
NetWare authentication entry APIs 8-20
NetWare connection APIs 8-20
object APIs
data queue APIs 8-12
object APIs 8-14
use of 8-11
user index APIs 8-13
user queue APIs 8-13
user space APIs 8-14
office APIs
AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework APIs 8-15
SNADS File Server APIs 8-16
use of 8-15
Operational Assistant APIs
use of 8-17
OptiConnect APIs
use of 8-3
optional parameter group 3-5
original program model (OPM)
error code 3-1
example 3-1
introduction 2-4
Package Product Option (QSZPKGPO)
OPM RPG example A-3
length 2-17
parameters 3-2
performance 2-31
performance collector APIs
use of 8-17
X-4 System API Programming V4R1