2.1 Pin Function List
2.1.1 Normal operating mode pins
(1) Port pins
Note When P10/ANI0-P17/ANI7 pins are used as the analog inputs for the A/D converter, set the port 1 to
the input mode. The on-chip pull-up resistor is automatically disabled.
Pin Name Input/Output Function After Reset
Alternate Function
P00 Input Port 0 Input only Input —
P01 Input/output 4-bit input/output port Input/output is specifiable Input INTP1
P02 bit-wise. When used as the INTP2
P03 input port, it is possible to INTP3
connect a pull-up resistor by
P10-P17 Input/output Port 1 Input ANI0-ANI7
8-bit input/output port
Input/output is specifiable bit-wise.
When used as the input port, it is possible to connect
a pull-up resistor by software.
P30-P34 Input/output Port 3 Input —
P35 8-bit input/output port PCL
P36 Input/output is specifiable bit-wise. BUZ
P37 When used as the input port, it is possible to connect —
a pull-up resistor by software.
P50-P57 Input/output Port 5 Input —
8-bit input/output port
A maximum of 7 out of 8 ports can drive LEDs directly.
Input/output is specifiable bit-wise.
When used as the input port, it is possible to connect
a pull-up resistor by software.
P70 Input/output Port 7 Input SI2/RxD
P71 3-bit input/output port SO2/TxD
P72 Input/output is specifiable bit-wise. SCK2/ASCK
When used as the input port, it is possible to connect
a pull-up resistor by software.
P100 Input/output Port 10 Input TI5/TO5
P101 2-bit input/output port TI6/TO6
Input/output is specifiable bit-wise.
When used as the input port, it is possible to connect
a pull-up resistor by software.