A.3.2 Software (2/3)
ID78K0 This is control program that debugs 78K/0 series.
Integrated debugger This program employs Windows on personal computer and OSF/Motif™ on EWS as graphical
user interface, and provides appearance and operability conforming to interface. In addition
debugging functions supporting C language are reinforced. Trace result can be displayed at C
level by using window integration function that associates source program, disassemble display,
and memory display with trace result. Moreover, debugging efficiency of program using real-time
OS can be enhanced by using function expansion modules such as task debugger and system
performance analyzer.
This program is used in combination with optional device file (DF78083).
Part Number:
Remark ×××× of the part number differs depending on the host machine and OS used. Refer to the table below.
×××× Host Machine OS Medium
AA13 PC-9800 Series MS-DOS 3.5-inch 2HD
(Ver. 3.30 to 6.2
Windows (Ver. 3.1)
AB13 IBM PC/AT and their Refer to A.4 3.5-inch 2HC
compatible machines
(Windows in Japanese)
BB13 IBM PC/AT and their
compatible machines
(Windows in English)
3P16 HP9000 series 700 HP-UX (rel. 9.01) Digital audio tape (DAT)
3K15 SPARCstation SunOS (rel. 4.1.1) Cartridge tape (QIC-24)
3K13 3.5-inch 2HC
3R16 NEWS™ (RISC) NEWS-OS™ (6.1x) 1/4-inch CGMT
3R13 3.5-inch 2HC
3M15 EWS4800 series (RISC) EWS-UX/V (rel. 4.0) Cartridge tape (QIC-24)
Note The task swap function is not available with this software through the function is
provided in MS-DOS version 5.0 or later.