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Related publications
This Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide is provided in
Portable Document Format (PDF). It contains information to help you solve the
problem yourself or to provide helpful information to a service technician.
In addition to this Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide, the
following IBM BladeCenter Type 8677 Documentation is provided with the unit:
v Safety Information: This document contains translated caution and danger
statements. Each caution and danger statement that appears in the
documentation has a number that you can use to locate the corresponding
statement in your language in the Safety Information book.
v BladeCenter Type 8677 Rack Installation Instructions: This document contains
instructions for installing the BladeCenter unit in a rack.
v BladeCenter Management Module Installation Guide: This document contains
instructions for installing the management module in a BladeCenter unit and
creating the initial configuration. There is a unique Installation Guide for each
management module type.
v BladeCenter Management Module User’s Guide: This document provides general
information about the management module for your BladeCenter unit, including
information about features, how to configure the management module, and how
to get help. There is a unique User's Guide for each management module type.
v BladeCenter Management Module Command-Line Interface Reference Guide:
This document explains how to use the management-module command-line
interface to directly access BladeCenter management functions as an alternative
to using the Web-based user interface. The command-line interface also provides
access to the text-console command prompt on each blade server through a
serial over LAN (SOL) connection. There is a unique Command-Line Interface
Reference Guide for each management module type.
Additional publications might be included on the IBM BladeCenter E Type 8677
Documentation CD.
4 BladeCenter E Type 8677 and 1881: Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide