
EIA-232 communication mode selections 28, 30
EIA-232 pin assignments 91
electronic emissions notices 205
Australia and New Zealand 206
China 207
European Union 205
FCC (USA) 205
Germany 206
Industry Canada 206
Japan 207
Korea 207
Taiwan 208
electronic journal data, upload during emulation 187
electrostatic discharge (ESD) 208
emphasized printing command, set or cancel 132
emptying printer buffer 41
emulate Epson single-station printer
commands with limited support 195
connectivity differences 196
enabling 43
fully-supported commands 193
limitations 43
overview 43
unsupported commands 196
emulate Model 3 or 4 printer
limitations 41
overview 41
upload electronic journal data 187
emulation, Epson 193
enable feed buttons 143
enable the beeper 143
enable upside-down printing 144
end of life disposal 209
Epson emulation 193
equipment disposal 209
erase flash EPROM sector command 123
error recovery command, set 140
exercise program 111
expendable supplies 83
extended address command 112
features, all models 6
ferrite requirement 208
fillers, installing
for EIA-232/RS-485 printers 24
for USB printers 26
firmware update image 39
firmware update, printer 39
firmware, updating
firmware update diskette 38
limitation 41
methods 37
POSS for Windows 39
via EIA-232 attachment 40
fix font matrix 146
flash memory
printing 41
usage 89
flash storage
retrieve 161
retrieve size 162
flash storage write command 123
flat panel displays 212
flip check command 166
flippable document specifications 82
character 98
impact printing 99
thermal printing 98
fonts and logos utilities, 4610 37
fonts and logos, 4610 37
fonts, character 98
fonts, proportional 189
forms, document insert, specifications 82
general description 87
generic code page 93
hardware requirements 13
height, all models 10
hex dump, EIA-232 66, 77
hold printing command 177
horizontal tabs command, set 138
humidity requirements 10
IBM Diagnostics for POS Systems and Peripherals 41
IBM Retail Store Solutions Web site 44
immediate commands 89
impact code page command 122
indicators, printer
Models TF6 and TM6 71
Models TI1, TI2, TI3, TI4, TI8, TI9, TG3, TG4, TG8,
TG9 47
information, planning 9
installation, single-station
power-on self-test, TF6 and TM6 75
problem determination, Models TF6 and TM6 78
testing, Models TF6 and TM6 75
installation, thermal/impact
fillers for EIA-232/RS-485 printers 24
fillers for USB printers 26
for EIA-232/RS-485 communication 18
for USB communication 21
power-on self-test, Models TI1/TI2/TI3/TI4/TI8 61
preparation 17
problem determination, Models TI1/TI2/TI3/TI4/TI8/
TI9/TG3/TG4/TG8/TG9 67
testing, Models TI1/TI2/TI3/TI4 61
unpacking 18
intercharacter spacing command, set 135
interfaces, communication 10
introduction 3
invert command, set or cancel 131
Updated April 2, 2009
Index 215