
Related service information
This section provides information about the following:
v Service web site
v Restoring the preloaded system
v Passwordson page 26
v Power managementon page 28
Service web site
When the latest maintenance diskette and the system
program service diskette become available, a notice will be
posted on http://www.ibm.com/pc/partner/infotips
Restoring the preloaded system
If the data on a hard-disk drive is damaged or accidentally
erased, you can restore the software that was shipped with
the computer. This software includes the pre-installed
operating system, applications, and device drivers.
To restore the pre-installed software, you can use either
the Product Recovery program or a recovery CD.
Ordering the recovery CD
When the hard-disk drive is replaced because of a
failure, no Product Recovery program is on the new
hard disk. In this case, you must use the Product
Recovery CD for the computer. Order the recovery
CD and the hard-disk drive at the same time so that
you can recover the new hard-disk drive with the
pre-installed software when they arrive. For
information on which CD to order, see Recovery
CDson page 161
The Product Recovery program is in the service partition, a
section of the hard-disk drive that is not displayed by
Windows Explorer.
Attention: All of the files on the primary hard-disk
partition (usually drive C) will be lost in the recovery
process. Be sure to back up copies of the files you have
saved on your drive C before you begin.
Creating a Recovery Repair diskette
If the operating system cannot boot normally, or if you
cannot get access to the Product Recovery program, you
can use the Recovery Repair diskette to boot the
computer. Make a Recovery Repair diskette and save it for
future use. To make a Recovery Repair diskette, do the
1. Shut down and restart the computer.
Related service information
General descriptions 23