
Product specifications Océ TDS400
The Océ TDS400 is a wide format low to medium volume print and copy
Te ch n ol ogy Electrophotography (LED) with organic photoconductor
(OPC) drum and closed toner system
Resolution 600 dpi
Speed 3 linear meters p/min. or approx. 2A0s p/min.
Media sources 1 roll version with manual feed
2 roll version with manual feed
2 roll version with manual feed
Extented integrated stacker for up to 100 prints
Output sizes From A3 to A0 and 36”, a maximum of 15 meters long
Media types Plain, translucent, transparent, recycled, fluorescent and
colored papers; films and vellum
Output reception Standard Integrated Receiving Tray (IRT)
Warm up time None, instant behavior
Dimensions 1352 mm (W) x 1250 mm (H) x 899mm (D) including in-
tegrated receiving tray
Weight Model with 1 roll 149 kg
Model with 2 rolls 159 kg