Further Information
Display modes
The display mode the monitor uses is controlled by the computer. Therefore,
you should refer to your computer documentation for details on how to
change display modes.
The image size, position and shape may change when the display mode
changes. This is normal and the image can be readjusted using
and the monitor controls.
Unlike CRT monitors, which require a high refresh rate to minimize flicker,
TFT technology is inherently flicker-free. If possible, configure your computer
for 1024 × 768 addressability at 60Hz vertical refresh rate.
For the display modes listed below, the screen image has been optimized
during manufacture.
Factory Set Display Modes
† Recommended
‘Note: VESA timings are as detailed in the VESA “Display Monitor Timing
Specification”. Version 1.0, Revision 0.8, dated 09/17/98.’
Addressability Refresh Rate Horizontal Frequency
640 × 350 70 Hz 31.5 kHz
640 × 480 60 Hz 31.5 kHz
640 × 480 72 Hz 37.9 kHz
640 × 480 75 Hz 37.5 kHz
720 × 400 70 Hz 31.5 kHz
800 × 600 75 Hz 46.9 kHz
800 × 600 72 Hz 48.1 kHz
800 × 600 60 Hz 37.9 kHz
800 × 600 56 Hz 35.2 kHz
1024 × 768† 60 Hz 48.4 kHz
1024 × 768 70 Hz 56.5 kHz
1024 × 768 75 Hz 60.0 kHz
T50_setup.fm Page 18 Thursday, August 9, 2001 11:09 AM