7645install.fm Draft Document for Review May 23, 2008 10:14 am
84 Maximo Essentials V7.1 - Implementer’s Guide
5.6.2 Ensure connectivity to the Maximo Asset Management
Essentials application
Once you have successfully resumed the requested services, ensure
connectivity by accessing the login panel and logging into the Maximo Asset
The default Maximo system administrator user ID and passwords are as follows
User ID :maxadmin
Tip: From Windows Services, set the following services to automatic startup:
DB2 COPY Services
DB2 Governor
DB2 License Server
DB2 Management Service
DB2 Remote Command Server
DB2 Security Server
IBM HTTP Server 6.1
IBM HTTP Administration 6.1
IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1
IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 Node Agent
IBM Rational Agent Controller
IBM Tivoli Directory Admin Daemon V6.1
IBM Tivoli Directory Server Instance V6.1
If you’re running a demo Maximo Asset Manager installation on limited
resources, for example, a labtop or a virtual machine, it is recommended that
you do not run the above specified services as automatic but rather keep
these services configured to start manually.
Tip: It is highly suggested for the system administrator to change their
password on a regular interval. Also, if the maxadmin user is administering on
a multi-language implementation, take careful to note in which locales he is
applying the changes. Aim wherever possible to remain and administer in the
base language.