Cluster Hardware and Software Preparation 55 Necessary APAR Fixes
Table 11. Necessary APAR Fixes
To determine if either fix is installed on a machine, execute the following:
3.1.3 AIX Prerequisite LPPs
In order to install HACMP and HACMP/ES the AIX setup must be in a proper
state. The following table gives you the prerequisite AIX levels for the
different HACMP versions:
Table 12. AIX Prerequisite LPPs
The Prerequisites for the HACMP component HAView 4.2 are
• xlC.rte
• nv6000.base.obj
AIX Version APARs needed
4.1 IX56564
4.2 IX62417
4.3 IX72550
HACMP Version Prerequisite AIX and PSSP Version
HACMP 4.1 for AIX AIX 4.1.5
PSSP 2.2, if installed on an SP
HACMP 4.2 for AIX AIX 4.1.5
PSSP 2.2, if installed on an SP
HACMP 4.3 for AIX AIX 4.3.2
PSSP 2.2, if installed on an SP
HACMP/ES 4.2 for AIX AIX 4.2.1
PSSP 2.2, if installed on an SP
HACMP/ES 4.3 for AIX AIX 4.3.2
PSSP 3.1, if installed on an SP
instfix -i -k <apar number>