Displaying Connection Totals
To display a summary of TCP and UDP counts, press F10 on the Work with
TCP/IP Connection Status display. The counts provided are a cumulative summary
of all TCP and UDP activity since the last time the STRTCP (Start TCP) command
was issued.
The information in Figure 44 on page 50 and Figure 45 on page 50 shows TCP and
UDP counts that are maintained for Simple Network Management Protocol
Display TCP Connection Status
System: SYSNAM04
Bytes out...................: 57692
Outgoing bytes buffered...........: 0
User send next ...............: 3270868150
Send next..................: 3270868150
Send unacknowledged.............: 3270868150
Outgoing push number ............: 3270868149
Outgoing urgency number...........: 3270868149
Outgoing window number ...........: 3270896558
Bytes in ...................: 1021
Incoming bytes buffered...........: 0
Receive next ................: 1545153023
User receive next..............: 1545153023
Incoming push number ............: 1545153023
Incoming urgency number...........: 1545153022
Incoming window number ...........: 1545160742
Press Enter to continue.
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Print F10=Display IP options F12=Cancel
F14=Display port numbers F22=Display entire field
Figure 42. Display TCP/IP Connection Status, Display 2 of 3
Display TCP Connection Status
System: SYSNAM04
Retransmission information:
Total retransmissions............: 8
Current retransmissions...........: 0
Send window information:
Maximum size ................: 28672
Current size ................: 28408
Last update.................: 1545153004
Last update acknowledged ..........: 3270868150
Congestion window..............: 2704
Slow start threshold ............: 1281
Precedence and security:
Precedence .................: 0
Initialization information:
Maximum segment size ............: 536
Initial send sequence number ........: 3270810457
Initial receive sequence number.......: 1545152001
Press Enter to continue.
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Print F10=Display IP options F12=Cancel
F14=Display port numbers F22=Display entire field
Figure 43. Display TCP/IP Connection Status, Display 3 of 3
Chapter 2. TCP/IP: Operation, Management, and Advanced Topics 49