
Journal names and journal models......58
Terminal control resources ........58
Distributed transaction resources ......59
URIMAP definitions and virtual hosts ....59
Chapter 6. CICS emergency restart . . 61
Recovering after a CICS failure ........61
Recovering information from the system log . . 61
Driving backout processing for in-flight units of
work ...............61
Concurrent processing of new work and backout 61
Other backout processing.........62
Rebuilding the CICS state after an abnormal
termination ..............62
Files ................62
Temporary storage ...........63
Transient data ............63
Start requests .............64
Terminal control resources ........64
Distributed transaction resources ......65
Chapter 7. Automatic restart
management ............67
CICS ARM processing ...........67
Registering with ARM..........68
Waiting for predecessor subsystems .....68
De-registering from ARM.........68
Failing to register ...........69
ARM couple data sets ..........69
CICS restart JCL and parameters .......69
Workload policies ............70
Connecting to VTAM ...........70
The COVR transaction..........71
Messages associated with automatic restart . . . 71
Automatic restart of CICS data-sharing servers . . 71
Server ARM processing .........71
Chapter 8. Unit of work recovery and
abend processing ..........73
Unit of work recovery ...........73
Transaction backout ..........74
Backout-failed recovery .........79
Commit-failed recovery .........83
Indoubt failure recovery .........84
Investigating an indoubt failure .......85
Recovery from failures associated with the coupling
facility ................88
Cache failure support ..........88
Lost locks recovery ...........89
Connection failure to a coupling facility cache
structure ..............91
Connection failure to a coupling facility lock
structure ..............91
MVS system recovery and sysplex recovery . . 91
Transaction abend processing ........92
Exit code ..............92
Abnormal termination of a task.......93
Actions taken at transaction failure ......94
Processing operating system abends and program
checks ................94
Chapter 9. Communication error
processing .............97
Terminal error processing..........97
Node error program (DFHZNEP) ......97
Terminal error program (DFHTEP) .....97
Intersystem communication failures ......98
Part 3. Implementing recovery and
restart ..............99
Chapter 10. Planning aspects of
recovery .............101
Application design considerations ......101
Questions relating to recovery requirements . . 101
Validate the recovery requirements statement 102
Designing the end user’s restart procedure . . 103
End user’s standby procedures ......103
Communications between application and user 103
Security ..............104
System definitions for recovery-related functions 104
Documentation and test plans ........105
Chapter 11. Defining system and
general log streams ........107
Defining log streams to MVS ........108
Defining system log streams ........108
Specifying a JOURNALMODEL resource
Model log streams for CICS system logs . . . 110
Activity keypointing ..........112
Defining forward recovery log streams .....116
Model log streams for CICS general logs . . . 117
Merging data on shared general log streams . . 118
Defining the log of logs ..........118
Log of logs failure ...........119
Reading log streams offline........119
Effect of daylight saving time changes .....120
Adjusting local time ..........120
Time stamping log and journal records ....120
Chapter 12. Defining recoverability for
CICS-managed resources ......123
Recovery for transactions .........123
Defining transaction recovery attributes . . . 123
Recovery for files ............125
VSAM files .............125
Basic direct access method (BDAM) .....126
Defining files as recoverable resources ....126
File recovery attribute consistency checking
(non-RLS) .............129
Implementing forward recovery with
user-written utilities ..........131
Implementing forward recovery with CICS
VSAM Recovery MVS/ESA .......131
Recovery for intrapartition transient data ....131
Backward recovery ..........131
Forward recovery ...........133
Recovery for extrapartition transient data ....134
iv CICS TS for z/OS 4.1: Recovery and Restart Guide