
configure external library support. This section illustrates how to use Gresham
EDT-DistribuTAPE as an external library manager via StorageTek ACSLS.
External library support is an alternative library resource when the environment is
unable to satisfy library resource sharing requirements with Tivoli Storage
Manager library sharing support for SCSI, 3494, and ACSLS (Library Station)
managed libraries. A typical external library configuration includes using an
external library manager such as Gresham EDT-DistribuTAPE. See Figure 6 on
page 11.
The ACSLS Server or the LibraryStation on z/OS manages the physical aspects of
tape cartridge storage and retrieval. The external library manager, for instance,
Gresham EDT, communicates with the ACSLS Server or the LibraryStation on
z/OS to access tape cartridges in an automated StorageTek library. The storage
agent installed on a machine containing Gresham EDT and a Tivoli Storage
Manager backup-archive client or a Tivoli Storage Manager data protection
application client provides access to SAN-attached storage devices resulting in
LAN-free data movement. The continued connection to the LAN provides a
metadata (control information) path. If the storage agent is not available, the LAN
provides a failover path for data backup and recovery.
10 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for SAN for AIX: Storage Agent User’s Guide