
Remove all installed adapters except the one you are trying to boot, and try
to boot the standalone diagnostics from a CDROM drive attached to the scsi
controller on the system board. If this is successful, run the diagnostics
against the system, particularly against the target network boot
If this is successful, re-install adapters (and attached devices as applicable)
that were removed, one at a time, and run the diagnostics against the
i. Replace riser card
j. Replace system board (if not replaced in previous step)
5. If you replaced the indicated FRUs and the problem is still not corrected, or the
above descriptions did not address your particular situation, go to "MAP 1540:
Minimum Configuration".
Fxx Code Console Problems: This section describes console problems
indicated by a code in the table under “Firmware Checkpoints” on page 3-14.
If a console is attached but nothing is displayed on it, follow the steps associated
with “All display problems” in the “Entry MAP” on page 2-1. If the console selection
screens can be seen on the terminals but there is no response to attempts to select
the console:
1. If selecting the console with a keyboard attached to the system, replace the
keyboard. If replacing the keyboard does not fix the problem, replace the system
2. If selecting the console with an ASCII terminal, suspect the ASCII terminal. Use
the Problem Determination Procedures for the terminal. Replace the system
board if these procedures do not reveal a problem.
Note: Terminal settings should be set to:
9600 bps (bits per second)
No Parity
8 Data bits
1 Stop bit
If you replace FRUs and the problem is still not corrected, go to MAP 0030 in the
Diagnostics Information for Multiple Bus Systems
unless otherwise indicated in the
3-20 7043 43P Series Service Guide