
IBM ServicePac for Hardware Maintenance
Businesses today are increasingly dependent on information Technology and with the rapid evolution and complexity of today’s computing
environment; the need for responsive technical support of all kinds is greater than ever. IBM has responded to this need by developing the IBM
ServicePac family of service offerings. Each ServicePac has been created to meet a specific requirement in the marketplace whether it is for
maintenance of a hardware product, telephone technical support or installation services
The Benefits
ServicePac provides a convenient, affordable way for businesses of
all sizes to have access to a wide range of information technology
support services available from IBM. With ServicePac you can
purchase quality ‘off the shelf’ services designed to meet your
priorities, requirements and budgets. They offer a fixed term, fixed
price service solution, which can be ordered at the same time as you
order your machine.
ServicePacs for hardware maintenance should be ordered at the
same time as the hardware and must be purchased within 30 days of
the hardware purchase. Please select from the attached guide the
ServicePac number required for the machine type and model that the
customer has purchased.
The service and typical response times that are provided with the
packs, within 100 kms of an IBM service centre can be seen below.
Electronic ServicePacs
IBM has made it easy to activate ServicePac on-line via the Internet.
Electronic ServicePac is always available for ordering and never out
of stock as there are no hard copy registration forms to deliver. On-
line registration provides ease of use, and clarity and is particularly
convenient for large volumes of machines being registered in one
country. It also allows for the attachment of PC files containing
machine type inventories in one go, saving time and expense, with no
more hard copy registration forms to return. Once an Electronic
ServicePac order is placed the customer is given a unique
registration number to enable on-line registration.
ThinkPad notebooks
Upgrade and / or extend the ThinkPad warranty service with IBM
ServicePac maintenance. With 3 year options available (including
the product warranty period) and, a range of service types including
customer carry in, courier or on site, there is a wide range from
which to choose.
For customer carry in and courier options the typical repair time is 2
business days in the IBM depot plus transit time and, the typical
response time for on-site services is next business day.
International Service Enhancement (ISE) for IBM ThinkPads
International Service Enhancement is available to customers who
travel to countries where their IBM ThinkPad product (as identified by
the 4 digit machine type) is serviced by IBM or IBM Authorised
representatives. To benefit from this service the customer must
register their machine by calling IBM at +44 (0) 1475 893638.
NetVista desktops
Upgrade options include 3 years on site maintenance service with
next business day typical response time or, 3 years customer carry in
Hardcopy (HC) ServicePac
BP/customer receives a little shrink-wrapped booklet, multilingual,
- user information/explanation - what the booklet is and how to handle
- terms and conditions - contract conditions
- registration card - to be filled in and sent back to IBM - with this the
customer is accepting the terms and conditions and allows IBM
to register the machine with the SPac contract in their entitlement
- envelope with IBM address - to send back the completed reg. card
- sticker - to attach to the corresponding machine.
xSeries servers
3 years of on-site maintenance service. Most ServicePacs provide a 4
hour typical response time with options for 7 day 24 hour cover. All
xSeries ServicePacs include attached Expansion enclosures with
machine types of 3517, 3518 and 3520.
Expansion units
3 years of on-site maintenance service (including the product
warranty period) with a 4 hour typical response time for EXP and
FAStT units, same day response for RXE units.
Flat panel & CRT monitors
For monitors and flat panel displays - upgrade warranty service to 3
years on site exchange service.
Unless otherwise indicated, PC ServicePacs (excluding ThinkPad)
include cover for the IBM monitor (including flat panel displays with a
base warranty of 3 years)
The period of cover provided by all ServicePac maintenance includes
the original product warranty period.
Electronic (ePac) ServicePac
Electronic (ePac) ServicePac: same service level like corresponding
HC Pack, but to be ordered via special ePac part number - no
physical delivery, but an e-mail with authorization no to allow the
customer to register ePac via a special internet website. Customer
will find the terms and conditions (contract with IBM) on this website
and has to accept them before he can register the ePac with IBM.
For more information and to register, visit the Electronic
ServicePac web site at ibm.com/services/servicepac/emea