
adminTemplate.jsp page, which is the page that defines the format for most of the pages on the
Learning Management System server. For more information on the adminTemplate.jsp, see “The
Anatomy of an LMS JSP.”
The file directory containing the CSS files is structured as follows:
where [serverName] equals one of the following:
lmm: Represents the Learning Management System server.
ds: Represents the Delivery server.
duc: Represents the Offline Learning Client server.
See the definitions of the [languageCode] and [browserType] directory names below.
The LMS application directory contains CSS files for multiple languages. Having separate CSS
file sets for each supported language enables you to design pages that are aesthetically familiar to
different cultures. For example, you can change a background color that is considered offensive
to one culture to a more appropriate color in the corresponding language-version CSS file. The
only difference in the CSS files that are included by default with the LMS application is in the
reading orders assigned to the INPUT and TEXTAREA elements. The Arabic CSS file (found in
the “ar” directory) sets the reading order from right to left. All other CSS language files set the
reading order from left to right.
The [languageCode] directory name is supplied as a two character language code. For example,
English is represented by “en,” Spanish is represented by “es,” and German is represented by
The IBM Lotus Learning Management System supports Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 5.5
and later and Netscape, version 6.0 and later. The application supports separate style sheets for
each browser because a single format setting can often display differently in each browser. To
keep a consistent look and feel, you can tweak the format settings in each browser-version CSS so
that the page displays alike to the user regardless of which browser is accessing it.
The [browserType] directory name can be supplied as either of the following:
styInternetExplorer5: Represents Internet Explorer, version 5.5 or later
styNetscape6: Represents Netscape, version 6 or later
Note: To keep the application consistent, if you make a change that is not language- or browser-
specific to one CSS file set, duplicate that change across all of the CSS file sets. You can also
remove CSS files for languages you do not intend to support.
Editing existing CSS files
To edit a CSS file:
Open the CSS file you want to change in a text editor, then make and save your changes.
Any changes you make to an existing style are reflected in any JSP that references that style.
Before making changes, be sure to know where the styles you are updating are used and that no
JSPs will be disrupted by the changes.
Chapter 5: Customizing JavaServer Pages 33