User’s Manual
PPC440x5 CPU Core Preliminary
Page 86 of 589
September 12, 2002
nizing operation (including causing any exceptions which would lead to an interrupt), since a context
synchronizing operation will invalidate the shadow TLB entries.
Initialization software should consider all other resources within the PPC440x5 core to be undefined after
reset, in order for the initialization sequence to be compatible with other PowerPC implementations. There
are, however, additional core resources which are initialized by reset, in order to guarantee correct and deter-
ministic operation of the processor during the initialization sequence. Table 3-1 shows the reset state of all
PPC440x5 core resources which are defined to be initialized by reset. While certain other register fields and
other facilities within the PPC440x5 core may be affected by reset, this is not an architectural nor hardware
requirement, and software must treat those resources as undefined. Likewise, even those resources which
are included in Table 3-1 but which are not identified in the previous list as being architecturally required,
should be treated as undefined by the initialization software.
During chip initialization, some chip control registers must be initialized to ensure proper chip operation.
Peripheral devices can also be initialized as appropriate for the system design.
Table 3-1. Reset Values of Registers and Other PPC440x5 Facilities
Resource Field Reset Value Comment
DAPUIB 0 Enable broadcast of instruction data to auxiliary processor interface
DTB 0 Enable broadcast of trace information
Disable Parity Error Insertion (enabled only for s/w testing)
FCOM 0 Do not force cache ops to miss.
MMUPEI 0 Disable Parity Error Insertion (enabled only for s/w testing)
FFF 0 Flush only as much data from dirty lines as needed.
EDM 0 External Debug mode disabled
RST 0b00 Software-initiated debug reset disabled
ICMP 0 Instruction completion debug events disabled
BRT 0 Branch taken debug events disabled
IAC1 0 Instruction Address Compare 1 (IAC1) debug events disabled
IAC2 0 IAC2 debug events disabled
IAC3 0 IAC3 debug events disabled
IAC4 0 IAC4 debug events disabled