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Windows 95 OSR-2 VXD and integrated Windows 98 / NT5 miniport driver support
BIOS shadow at 16KB increment
Supports 2, 4 and 8 Mbytes of Frame Buffer with share memory.
DirectDrawTM and DirectVideoTM Hardware Support
Advanced Mobile Power Management
CRT Power Management (VESADPMS)
Optional for Flat Panel Interface ( TTL or LVDS )
The board is designed to support industry standard TFT panel via 44pin connector or LVDS transmitters. The interface
supports both 18-bit and 24-bit display modes. Optionally, an 18+18 panel can be supported utilizing external latches.
Optional Features
Supports RS422/RS485 interface with COM2
Support LVDS LCD panel
Supports Audio function (via AV Card Kit)
Supports TV-Out feature (via TV-Out adapter Kit)
Support Watch Dog Timer / POST code (WDT only for NASA-6109)
Support BOOT ROM
Ordering information
1. NASA-6109VLA: Support 1 LAN
2. NASA-6109LVDS: Support 1 LAN + LVDS
Note: The standard version of NASA-6109 is embedded with VIA EDEN Fanless 533Mhz and 667MHz .
Other option CPUs will be provided upon request.
1-2. Unpacking
The motherboard comes securely packaged in a sturdy cardboard shipping carton. In addition to the User's Manual, the
motherboard package includes the following items:
NASA-6109 5.25SBC / CPU Board
HDD/FDD Cables
TV-Out adapter / cable (Optional)
Audio Kit (Optional)