Clock Flag
Note 1 Note 2
saddr.bit, $addr16 3 8 9 PC ← PC + 3 + jdisp8 if(saddr.bit) = 1
sfr.bit, $addr16 4 – 11 PC ← PC + 4 + jdisp8 if sfr.bit = 1
BT A.bit, $addr16 3 8 – PC ← PC + 3 + jdisp8 if A.bit = 1
PSW.bit, $addr16 3 – 9 PC ← PC + 3 + jdisp8 if PSW.bit = 1
[HL].bit, $addr16 3 10 11 PC ← PC + 3 + jdisp8 if (HL).bit = 1
saddr.bit, $addr16 4 10 11 PC ← PC + 4 + jdisp8 if(saddr.bit) = 0
sfr.bit, $addr16 4 – 11 PC ← PC + 4 + jdisp8 if sfr.bit = 0
BF A.bit, $addr16 3 8 – PC ← PC + 3 + jdisp8 if A.bit = 0
PSW.bit, $addr16 4 – 11 PC ← PC + 4 + jdisp8 if PSW. bit = 0
[HL].bit, $addr16 3 10 11 PC ← PC + 3 + jdisp8 if (HL).bit = 0
PC ← PC + 4 + jdisp8
saddr.bit, $addr16 4 10 12 if(saddr.bit) = 1
then reset(saddr.bit)
PC ← PC + 4 + jdisp8 if sfr.bit = 1
then reset sfr.bit
BTCLR PC ← PC + 3 + jdisp8 if A.bit = 1
then reset A.bit
PC ← PC + 4 + jdisp8 if PSW.bit = 1
then reset PSW.bit
PC ← PC + 3 + jdisp8 if (HL).bit = 1
then reset (HL).bit
B ← B – 1, then
PC ← PC + 2 + jdisp8 if B ≠ 0
C ← C –1, then
PC ← PC + 2 + jdisp8 if C ≠ 0
(saddr) ← (saddr) – 1, then
PC ← PC + 3 + jdisp8 if(saddr) ≠ 0
SEL RBn 2 4 – RBS1, 0 ← n
NOP 1 2 – No Operation
EI 2 – 6 IE ← 1(Enable Interrupt)
DI 2 – 6 IE ← 0(Disable Interrupt)
HALT 2 6 – Set HALT Mode
STOP 2 6 – Set STOP Mode
Notes 1. When the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed or instruction with no data access
2. When an area except the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed
Remark One instruction clock cycle is one cycle of the CPU clock (f
CPU) selected by the PCC register.
Mnemonic Operands Byte Operation
sfr.bit, $addr16 4 – 12
A.bit, $addr16 3 8 –
PSW.bit, $addr16 4 – 12 ×××
[HL].bit, $addr16 3 10
B, $addr16 2 6 –
DBNZ C, $addr16 2 6 –
saddr. $addr16 3 8 10