PCM-9575 User’s Manual 22
2.21 Ethernet configuration
The PCM-9575 is equipped with a high performance 32-bit PCI-bus
Ethernet interface which is fully compliant with IEEE 802.3U 10/
100Mbps CSMA/CD standards. It is supported by all major network
operating systems.
The medium type can be configured via the RSET8139.EXE program
included on the utility disk. (See Chapter 3 for detailed information.)
2.21.1 100Base-T connector (CN12)
10/100Base-T connects to the PCM-9575 via an adapter cable to a 10-pin
polarized header (CN12).
2.21.2 Network boot
The Network Boot feature can be utilized by incorporating the Boot
ROM image files for the appropriate network operating system. The Boot
ROM BIOS files are included in the system BIOS, which is on the utility
CD disc.
2.21.3 LAN controller power select (JP2)
Note: PCM-9575 supports Wake-on-LAN. For Wake-on LAN, J6 has to
be set to the Standby 3.3 V position
2.22 Watchdog timer configuration
An on-board watchdog timer reduces the chance of disruptions which
EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) interference can cause. This is an invalu-
able protective device for standalone or unmanned applications. Setup
Table 2.5: LAN controller power select (JP2)
3.3 V* Standby 3.3V
* default setting