
Warranty Performance
Warranty service may be obtained by returning the product during
warranty period to an authorised IBM service provider and by
providing proof of your warranty service entitlement. You are
responsible for any associated transportation charges and insurance
during shipment and return.
For a product purchased in a group A country (as defined), warranty
service may be obtained from any authorised IBM service provider in
any group A country; similarly for a product purchased in a group B
country, warranty service may be obtained from any authorised IBM
service provider in any group B country.
Group A Countries
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Group B Countries
Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Russia,
Armenia, Bellarus, Georgia, Kirghizia, Hungary, Kazakhstan,
Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,
Serbia-Montenegro, Slovenia, Ukraine.
On-Site Service
Some IBM products are sold with a service entitlement which is
delivered on the customers premises (on-site). If the product you
have purchased carries with it an entitlement to IBM on-site service,
this service is provided during the warranty period subject to the
following terms and conditions:
The product must have been announced as qualifying for
On-Site Service in the country in which Warranty Service is being
You must contact a local authorised IBM service provider and
be prepared to supply proof of warranty entitlement. The