
Figure 11 (Page 3 of 3). RACF Estimated Storage Usage
Subpool Usage How to Estimate Size
ECSA RACF data set descriptor table and
168 + (896 × number_of_RACF_primary_data_sets)
RACF ICB (non-shared DB) 4096 per RACF database if the database is not shared and is
not on a device marked as shared, 0 otherwise
| RACF program control table| 28 + (number_of_program_profiles ×
| average_program_profile_size) +
| (number_of_controlled_libraries × 50)
| To find the average_program_profile_size, use the following
| formula:
| 54 + (average_number_of_access _entries × 9) +
| (average_number_of _conditional_access_entries × 17) +
| (average_number_of_libraries × 52)
RACF resident data blocks For each primary RACF database: 3248 + (4136 ×
number_of_database_buffers) If using sysplex
communication, for each backup database add: 3248 + (4136
× number_of_database_buffers × 2)
Dynamic parse tables 30 000
SETROPTS GENLIST profiles 52 + (number_of_profiles_in_class × 16) +
(number_of_resident_profiles × (10 + average_profile_size +
(1.5 × class_max_profile_name_size)))
User private
Below 16MB
RACF transient storage 16000 (minimum) while a RACF service is executing
Templates for RACF on OS/390 Release 4
The RACF database must have templates at the Security Server (RACF) Release 4
level in order for RACF to function properly. If a Security Server (RACF) Release 4
system is sharing the database with a lower-level system (RACF 1.9, RACF 1.9.2,
RACF 1.10, RACF 2.1, RACF 2.2, Security Server (RACF) Release 1, Security
Server (RACF) Release 2, or Security Server (RACF) Release 3), the lower-level
system is able to use the database with the Security Server (RACF) Release 4
templates. Use the IRRMIN00 utility to install the templates.
For more information, see
OS/390 Security Server (RACF) System Programmer's
and the program directory shipped with OS/390.
Chapter 5. Installation Considerations 27