8-Bit Microcontroller
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Product Specification (V1.5) 02.15.2007
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
Bit 4: Not used
Bit 3 (IROUTE): Define the function of P5.7/IROUT pin.
IROUTE = “0” : for bi-directional general I/O pin.
IROUTE = “1” : for IR or PWM output pin, the control bit of P5.7 (Bit 7 of IOC50)
must be set to “0”
Bit 2 (TCCE): Define the function of P5.6/TCC pin.
TCCE = “0” : for bi-directional general I/O pin.
TCCE = “1” : for external input pin of TCC, the control bit of P5.6 (Bit 6 of IOC50)
must be set to “1”
Bit 1 (EINT1): Define the function of P5.5/INT1 pin.
EINT1 = “0” : for bi-directional general I/O pin.
EINT1 = “1” : for external interrupt pin of INT1, the control bit of P5.5 (Bit 5 of
IOC50) must be set to “1”
Bit 0 (EINT0) : Define the function of P5.4/INT0 pin.
EINT0 = “0” : for bi-directional general I/O pin.
EINT0 = “1” : for external interrupt pin of INT0, the control bit of P5.4 (Bit 4 of
IOC50) must be set to “1”
6.1.16 RF/ISR (Interrupt Status Register)
(Address: 0Fh)
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
These bits are set to “1” when interrupt occurs respectively.
Bit 7 (ICIF): Port 6, Port 8, input status changed interrupt flag. Set when Port 6, Port 8
input changes.
Bit 6 (LPWTF): interrupt flag of the internal low-pulse width timer underflow.
Bit 5 (HPWTF): interrupt flag of the internal high-pulse width timer underflow.
Bit 4 (CNT2F): interrupt flag of the internal Counter 2 underflow.
Bit 3 (CNT1F): interrupt flag of the internal Counter 1 underflow.
Bit 2 (INT1F): external INT1 pin interrupt flag.
Bit 1 (INT0F): external INT0 pin interrupt flag.
Bit 0 (TCIF): TCC timer overflow interrupt flag. Set when TCC timer overflows.
6.1.17 Address: 10h~3Fh; R10~R3F (General Purpose Register)
R10~R31F and R20~R3F (Banks 0~3) are general purpose registers.