MaxLoader User’s Guide
:02 0000 02 4A29 02
Check Sum
Index address
Record type
Record Length
• The Address field is blank because this record is not data.
• The record length is '02' for index address (2 Bytes).
NOTE: If the address for the data record is '2B56', the actual address will be
4A290 + 2B56 or 4CDE6 (HEX).
Motorola S HEX Format
The Motorola S format file is an ASCII-HEX file.
Position (Byte) Character Remarks
1 S Letter S indicates start of record
2 0, 1, 2, 3, or 9 A single character indicates the type of
9: End-of-file
3: 32-bit address data record
2: 24-bit address data record
1: 16-bit address data record
0: Header
3 - 4 Bytes Byte COUNT in HEX (multiply by two
for number of characters). This count
includes the address, data, and
Checksum field.
5 - X Bytes Memory Address for the current record.
X will be:
8 : 16-bit addressing for files less than 64K.