
MaxLoader User’s Guide
:02 0000 02 4A29 02
Check Sum
Index address
Record type
Record Length
The Address field is blank because this record is not data.
The record length is '02' for index address (2 Bytes).
NOTE: If the address for the data record is '2B56', the actual address will be
4A290 + 2B56 or 4CDE6 (HEX).
Motorola S HEX Format
The Motorola S format file is an ASCII-HEX file.
Position (Byte) Character Remarks
1 S Letter S indicates start of record
2 0, 1, 2, 3, or 9 A single character indicates the type of
9: End-of-file
3: 32-bit address data record
2: 24-bit address data record
1: 16-bit address data record
0: Header
3 - 4 Bytes Byte COUNT in HEX (multiply by two
for number of characters). This count
includes the address, data, and
Checksum field.
5 - X Bytes Memory Address for the current record.
X will be:
8 : 16-bit addressing for files less than 64K.