The M71V2 Display Screen
The M71V2 handheld terminal includes a 160 pixel by 160 pixel grayscale graphical Liquid
Crystal Display (LCD). Programs can be written which mix text and graphics together on the
Warning: This display is NOT a touch screen display and the operator should not use sharp
objects on the plastic window protecting the LCD display.
The M71V2 Scanner
The M71V2 handheld terminal normally comes equipped with a scan engine that is capable of
scanning single dimensional bar codes. An optional Area Imager is available for 2 dimensional bar
codes. The M71V2 can be ordered with one of the following scan engines installed:
Standard Range Laser
The Standard laser engine uses a moving laser and a standard laser detector. The standard laser is
suitable for most applications. The laser is easy to aim and reads most barcodes very quickly.
Scan Rate: 35 (± 5) Scans / Second
Scan Angle: 42º ± 2º
Min. Print Contrast: Minimum 20% absolute dark/light reflectance measured at 650 nm
Long Range Laser (LR)
The Long Range laser engine uses a moving laser light with a highly sensitive laser detector. The
long range laser is used when the barcodes are going to be a great distance from the operator. The
long range laser includes a laser point (dot) feature to make it easy for the operator to aim at the
barcode before it starts to read.
Scan Rate: 35 (± 5) Scans / Second
Scan Angle: 23º ± 2º
Min. Print Contrast: Minimum 40% absolute dark/light reflectance measured at 650 nm