
v Have an end user at each target site enter the information.
License key distribution will help you learn more about distributing licence keys.
If the products are already installed, use the Work with License Information (WRKLICINF) command to
display a list of products and features that use license management. License information can be changed
using the WRKLICINF command and distributed from a central site system to a target site system. For any
product that uses the OS/400 license management function the license information includes:
v Usage limit
v Message queues to receive messages
v Log violations indicator
The current list of license users is not distributed from the central site system to the target site system.
The license information is distributed with the QUSRSYS library and is installed at the target site system
only when a new license term is installed. The license term is the length of time the authorized usage limit
for a licensed program lasts. The usage limit can last for a version, a release, or a modification level. For
IBM products, the authorized usage limit lasts for the entire version.
For example, the license term for product X is by version, meaning that the authorized usage limit is valid
for the entire version of the product. Once license information has been installed for product X, it will not
be installed again until a new version of product X is distributed. The license information is preserved at
the target site system when new release and modification levels are installed. When a new version of
product X is distributed, the usage limit may need to be changed on the target site system.
You may need to learn more about:
v Setting the usage limit on the target site system
v Client Access
v System configuration data
v Save and restore strategy
v Electronic Customer Support considerations
License key distribution
Every keyed licensed program requires a key file in order for the program to run. These files must be
distributed to the target site systems along with the program files and license information. These pages will
acquaint you with concerns about license key duplication.
v Distributing software license keys using a duplication command
This section will explain how to prepare the license key files for distribution.
v Estimating the size of a license key information file
You may want to estimate the size of the licence key information files you send to the target site
system. This page gives a simple method for doing this.
v Verifying software license key information is loaded
You should add the additional step of verifying that the necessary software license key information is
loaded on each target site system. This page will show you the procedure to do this.
v Distributing software license information for keyed compliance products
This section introduces the four options you have for distributing software license information for keyed
compliance products from a central site system to a target site system.
Distributing software license keys using a duplication command: You can distribute software license
keys using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command for tape media or the Duplicate Optical (DUPOPT)
command for optical media.
Using central site distribution to install multiple iSeries servers 15