
Table 2-2. instmgr.exe Utility Options (continued)
Option Meaning
-system Create database server instance that runs as local system user
instead of user informix. (IDS must be installed as local system
user to use this option.)
Troubleshooting Installation Problems
This section describes some common installation problems and the corresponding
solutions for users who receive their product materials directly from IBM. You can
find more information about Client SDK and IConnect installation issues in the
IBM Informix Client Products Installation Guide.
You can find information that will help identify and resolve installation errors in
the IDS log file in the following location:
If any of the problems described in this section persist, contact IBM Technical
v Problem. If you enter an invalid database server name, you receive the following
The database server name you entered is not valid. Please
note the following limitations: a database server name
cannot exceed 128 characters; it can only contain letters,
numbers, and underscores; and it must begin with a letter.
Solution. Enter a different name and note the limitations stated in the message.
v Problem. If you have insufficient virtual memory for the installation, you receive
the following message:
This installation of Dynamic Server requires number MB of
free page file space. After you install this product,
increase your page file size to properly use your virtual
memory with this product.
Solution. For information about how to increase the size of your page file, refer
to your Windows documentation.
v Problem. If you do not have the correct privileges to run the install program, you
receive the following message
You do not appear to be an administrator. In order to run
this program, you must belong to the Administrators group
on local computer.
Solution. Use the administrator account to log on or contact your system
administrator to add your user account to the Administrators group.
Chapter 2. Installing IDS (Windows) 2-15