
20 RS/6000 7025 Model F80 Technical Overview
Stephen Lutz is an IT Specialist in the technical support for RS/6000 and
NUMA-Q, part of the Web Server Sales Organization in Stuttgart, Germany. He
holds a degree in Computer Science from the Fachhochschule Karlsruhe -
University of Technology and is an IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert.
Stephen is a member of the High-End Technology Focus Group, supporting IBM
sales, Business Partners, and customers with pre-sales consultation and
implementation of client/server environments.
Shyam Manohar is a Marketing Manager from IBM, India with the Web Server
Group in ESG. Shyam is one of the leading top contributors from India for the
IBM-ASEAN region. With his valuable experience in the RISC/UNIX marketplace,
Shyam holds unique expertise in product positioning, especially in competitive
scenarios. He is part of a focus team engaged in large high-end server
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