8-Bit Microcontroller
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Product Specification (V1.0) 07.26.2005
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
Symbol Pin No. Type Function
P80~P81 12~13 I/O
* P80~P83 are bi-directional I/O pins
* P80 can be used as 8-bit Timer/Counter 3 (TC3) or external Interrupt
Input 3 (INT3)
* P81 can be used as 8-bit Timer/Counter 4 (TC4) or programmable
divider output (PDO)
* P80 ~ P81 can be used as pull high or pull low pins
P90~P97 4~11 I/O
* P90~P97 are bi-directional I/O pins
* P90~P97 can be used as 8 channel 10-bit resolution A/D converter
* P97 can be used as AD reference power supply input (VREF)
VSS 14 - * Ground
NC 3 - * No connection
OTP Programming Pins
VPP 27 I Programming voltage input
ACLK 1 I CLK for OTP memory address increment
DATAIN 25 I/O ROM code series input and series output pin
DINCK 26 I ROM code input clock
PGMB 24 I Program write enable pin. Active low.
OEB 23 I Output enable pin. Active low.