
used for text/file transfer. The bootloader is JTAG loaded into the DSP boot flash, typically during the
production of the camera electronics.
After the bootloader has configured the serial port it will output some text messages informing the host
of its status and go into a wait state (approximately 5 seconds). During the wait state the host can
initiate a file upload. Once a file upload is complete or the wait state times out, then execution is
transferred to the application software loaded in DSP program flash memory.
3.1 Communication Configuration
The serial configuration of the camera while executing the bootloader is fixed:
115,200 Baud
8 Data Bits
No Parity
1 Stop Bit
3.2 Boot Messages
During bootloader execution several text messages are output to the host. In a typical boot process
where no file upload is attempted the following message is output.
Lumitron Bootloader v0003 for 49MHz Configuration.
© 2000-2001 Motorola Inc. S-Record loader. Version 1.3
Pause for transfer!
Application Started
As the host is monitoring the bootloader for text output it can key off of the ‘Pause for Transfer!’
message. At this point the host has a couple of seconds to begin the upload process. A typical boot
process where a file is uploaded will have the following typical message.
Lumitron Bootloader v0003 for 49MHz Configuration.
© 2000-2001 Motorola Inc. S-Record loader. Version 1.3
Pause for transfer!
Loaded 0x8e1e Program and 0x0e70 Data words.
Application Started
The string of ‘+’ characters in the message represent the file upload progress. Note that the message
contains the Lumitron bootloader version, the controller board configuration oscillator rate, and the
Motorola S-Record loader version.
3.3 Software Upload
The host application can be used to upgrade the camera electronics application software. To
accomplish this task - the application needs to be ‘ready’ when the camera electronics receives a
power on reset. This is the only way to initiate a file upload. The host application needs to be in the
proper communications configuration (paragraph
X3.1X), have the file ready for upload (already stored in
a buffer), and be prepared to trigger on the incoming message.