Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
Page 22 David West, David Hartman
Copyright IBM Corp. 2007
Perform the following steps to use the Windows Start Menu facility to stop
and restart the CIMOM:
a. Stop the CIMOM by selecting Start Æ Programs Æ CIM agent
for IBM DS Open API Æ Stop CIMOM service. A command
prompt window opens to track the stoppage of the CIMOM.
Note: You might see an error message pop-up window that is
labeled “
java.exe - Application Error”. You must click OK to
close that window to continue.
If the CIMOM has stopped successfully, the following message is
The CIM Object Manager for DS Open API service was
stopped successfully. Press any key to close the command
prompt window.
b. Restart the CIMOM by selecting Start Æ Programs Æ CIM
agent for IBM DS Open API Æ Start CIMOM service. A
command prompt window opens to track the progress of the
CIMOM start process. The restarting of the CIMOM can take a
while because it is connecting to the defined servers and is
caching that information for future use. If the CIMOM has
started successfully, the following message is displayed:
The CIM Object Manager for DS Open API service was
started successfully.
Press any key to close the command prompt window.
6. Use the setuser interactive tool to configure the CIMOM for the users
with authority to use the CIMOM.
Note: The users you configure to use the CIMOM are uniquely
defined to the CIMOM software and have no required relationship to
operating system user names, the DS Storage Manager user names,
or the Copy Services user names.
Upon installation of the CIM agent, the provided default user name is
“superuser” with a default password of “passw0rd”. The first time that
you use the setuser tool, you must use this user name and password
combination. Once you have defined other user names, you can start
the setuser command by specifying other defined CIMOM user
Note: The CIMOM must be running before you can use the setuser
a. Open a Command Prompt window and change directory to the
CIM agent directory; for example: