© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 417
151, 298, 335, 368
AAL 36–37, 256
benefits 37
address groups 96, 196
Advanced Copy Services 162
boot support 353
I/O access methods 352
LVM configuration 352
managing multiple paths 349
monitoring I/O performance
filemon 354
iostat 354
on iSeries 404
other publications 348
SDD 349
WWPN 348
architecture 22
array sites 86, 192, 200
arrays 35, 87, 192, 200
arrays across loops see AAL
Asynchronous Cascading PPRC see Metro/Global Copy
Asynchronous PPRC see Global Mirror
base frame 20
battery backup assemblies 40
battery backup unit see BBU
BBU 79
Business Continuity 4
business continuity
Resiliency Family 8
cache management 24
call home 164
well-balanced configuration 181
capacity planning 174
CIM server 162
CKD volumes 91
allocation and deletion 93
components 19
configuration planning 158
Consistency Group 133
commands 9
data consistency 132
what is it? 132
Consistency Group FlashCopy 121
Control Unit Initiated Reconfiguration see CUIR
cooling 79
disk enclosure 40
rack cooling fans 79
Copy Services 115
interfaces 136
interoperability with ESS 139
DA 30
Fibre Channel 260
data consistency 132–133
Consistency Group 132
data migration
basic commands 184
migration appliances 185
open systems
backup and restore 338
basic copy commands 336
copy raw devices 336
Global Copy 339
host operating system based 335
IBM Migration Services 342
Metro Mirror 339
other migration applications 342
Piper 341
rsync 337
using volume management software 337
operating system mirroring 184
planning 183
remote copy 184
software packages 184
z/OS 185, 293
bridge from ESCON to FICON 302
combine physical and logical data migration 308,
consolidate logical volumes 295
consolidate storage 294
DFSMSdss 307
DFSMShsm 308
Global Copy 303
logical migration 307
Metro Mirror 303
physical migration 298
physical migration with DFSMSdss 298
Piper 299
system-managed storage 308
z/OS Global Mirror 301
z/VM 315
data placement 99
Data Set FlashCopy 9, 119
DDMs 37, 192